Sunday, June 24, 2012

Gall Bladder Disease - What Are the Causes?

The gall bladder disease is very frequent today, and it affects an increasing number of people. Some researchs show that this disease mainly affects older people, over 50 years old, and unluckily, women are more affected. It is thought that estrogen is the main factor for this. Younger people and children are not affected with severe symptoms of the gall bladder disease. Other people who are in the high-risk group are: people experiencing weight problems, people with digestive problems, and people who have high-cholesterol levels in their blood.

We can say that gallbladder stones are the main cause of gallbladder disease. When the gall bladder doesn't empty completely gallstones are formed. This also happens when there is too much cholesterol in the bile. Gallstones accumulate in the gallbladder and block the access of the bile. This affects the function of the gall bladder, and the symptoms start to appear.

The good thing with this disease is that it can be easily treated if we change our eating habits and use some medicines at the same time. This applies for mild forms of this disease. On the other hand, if the symptoms of this disease are severe, it is recommended to remove the bile surgically. This is the best option, and it is not too dangerous since the gall bladder is not a vital organ, which means that our body can still function without it.

There are two types of the gallbladder disease: chronic or acute. The symptoms of chronic gall bladder disease are not so severe, while in the acute type surgery is often required.

We have already said that our body can function without a gallbladder. In that situation, the liver starts to produce larger amounts of bile when needed. However, having a low-fat diet after the surgery and decreasing the food portions is something people with a removed gall bladder have to take care of. In this way, they will deal with the lack of gall bladder much easier.

Furthermore, let's read something more about the bladder surgery. We know about open and Laparoscopic surgery. The second one is the most popular because it is less risky, and the scarring after the surgery is much smaller. It is being done with the use of a laparoscope, a medical instrument in the shape of a tube with a tiny digital camera on it. The recovery time in this type of surgery is quite short. Dealing with the gall bladder disease is not so difficult, but it is recommended to see your doctor as soon as you notice any of the symptoms. If you ignore the symptoms, they may lead to additional health complications.