Thursday, August 2, 2012

Levitra and the Emotional Effects of Erectile Dysfunction

Many people think about the effect of erectile dysfunction on a relationship or marriage and don't stop to consider the emotional effects to the man suffering from this condition. While the treatment for erectile dysfunction might be easy, this doesn't erase the psychological distress caused by erectile dysfunction. Even though most men will experience erectile dysfunction at some point in life, it is still an embarrassing and sensitive topic. If it doesn't go away after one occurrence, anxiety, guilt, depression, frustration, and embarrassment can all be felt.
Although an erection is a physical process, there are many emotional factors that lead to its occurrence. If you do not address these factors, the problem may continue to return. Your best bet is to treat the entire problem. Levitra does a great job of addressing the physical problem of erectile dysfunction, so that you can focus on the emotional.
Many times erectile dysfunction goes untreated because the man is too embarrassed to go to the doctor. However, treatment is important because erectile dysfunction may be a symptom of a bigger problem. Although it is natural to feel embarrassed, ten percent of men older than 40, and forty percent of men older than 50 have experienced erectile dysfunction - so you are certainly not alone. The older one becomes, the more likely you are to experience erectile dysfunction, so even if you think you are "safe" odds are it will happen to you as well. Levitra is taken in pill form, so you could potentially take it any time anywhere, without other people knowing.
Another common emotion felt with erectile dysfunction is depression. This can be a complicated relationship - erectile dysfunction causes depression in some cases, and in others, erectile dysfunction is caused by the depression. Nonetheless, a real connection exists, and this has been backed by research on hormones. Many men do not understand how easy erectile dysfunction is treated and, mixed with the failure to seek treatment, are faced with more emotional turmoil than is necessary. Levitra is highly effective at treating erectile dysfunction, and if you are depressed because of your condition, this treatment can be a tool to overcome the depression.
Emotional discomfort can be immobilizing. However, with the medical advances available today, including Levitra, you do not need to suffer. While everyone can admit that erectile dysfunction is upsetting, it is easily treated and doesn't have to be a big deal. Seek treatment today and improve the quality of your life!